River Stone Fish Farm
Barramundi is as good as the water in which it lives. At River Stone Fish Farm, our aquaculturists constantly control the quality of the water, to ensure a premuim quality barramundi, free of environmental contaminants. Consumers have demonstrated a marked prefrence for our Barramundi because it is consistent in quality and presentation, and it has a milder taste than other barramundi.
The need for premium quality, highly nutritious food grows as the world's population constantly increases. Most of the world's wild fish populations are now at or beyond maximum sustained yield, meaning that additional harvest reduces dramaticaly the fish available for next year's catch. River Stone Fish Farm we have built a state of the art recirculating aquaculture facility that nurses and grows out premium grade Australian Barramundi that caters for the Australian market.
We believe that aquaculture is most probable solution to providing a sustainable Australian Barramundi for this ever increasing market demand and shrinking supply of fish from the oceans. River Stone Fish Farm aquaculture facility is an enviromentally responsible alternative to fishing. We provide a consistent and reliable source of highly nutritious Australian Barramundi..

The Optimistic View
The farming of aquatic organisms will be one of three major economic opportunities in the future. All around the world, everyone is either eating more fish, or thinking they should. Changes in dietary patterns, and the fact that all medical practitioner recommend eating fish as a significant protein source for the diet, are strong indicators that aquaculture will continue to expand.

Health Benefits
Research has shown that eating fish regularly is beneficial to our bodies in many ways; here are ten great reasons to introduce a little more seafood into your diet.
1. Barramundi is low in saturated fat and high in omega-3, which can protect the heart from disease and lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood. * 2. The human brain is almost 60% omega-3 fat. Research has indicated that people who eat plenty of fish are less likely to suffer dementia and memory problems in later life.
3.Eating fish can improve your circulation and reduce the risk of thrombosis. * 4.Eating fish as a regular part of a balanced diet has proven to ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Eating fish regularly can help to keep the eyes bright and healthy. Fish also contain retinol, a form of vitamin A which boosts night vision. * 6. Fish provides the body with many essential nutrients which keep us running smoothly, including iodine, selenium, zinc and potassium. Iodine is important for the thyroid gland, and selenium makes enzymes which help to protect us from cancer. Fish are also excellent sources of vitamin A and D.
7. A number of studies have indicated that fish help protect our lungs. Not only can seafood relieve the symptoms of asthma in children, but it has shown signs of preventing it. * 8. Fish may also play a large part in preventing depression; research has highlighted links between low omega-3 levels and a higher risk of depression. Seafood could also help us to avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and post-natal depression.
9. Not only does omega-3 help to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the UV damage, but eating lots of fish can also help with the symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. * 10. Evidence suggests that a diet rich in fish oils can help to protect us against serious inflammatory bowel diseases (BD) including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Food Safety and Quality
River Stone Fish Farm innovative filtration and control systems provide a healthy, stress free environment for our barramundi to live in. Although NSW has no formal Certification documents for Barramundi, River Stone Fish Farm constantly strive to perfect the our aquaculture environmental conditions, to meet the highest food safety and quality stabndards. .

About Barramundi
Barramundi is a loanword from an Australian Aboriginal language of the Rockhampton area in Queensland meaning: "large-scaled river fish"..
The barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is a large predatory fish found in tropical regions of Australia. It is not native to NSW, and is not currently bred in hatcheries in this State. The colder climate and potential power costs involved with tank culture have, to some extent, restricted the development of this industry.
Barramundi has a natural distribution extending from the Ashburton River in Western Australia (WA), throughout the Northern Territory (NT), to the Maryborough River in Queensland (QLD). The barramundi is a greenish grey on the dorsal surface, changing to silver on the sides. The mouth is large and the eye glows red at night under flashlight.
The species is portrayed widely in northern Australian Aboriginal mythology where it has been used historically as a primary food item. It is also commonly regarded as the premium recreational sportfish in northern Australia.